Catch ups, College & Cocktails
Todays post is a little round up of what I’ve been up to the last few weeks!
Rants and ramblings of a selfie obsessed millennial
Todays post is a little round up of what I’ve been up to the last few weeks!
With the online world often being a vile, negative and dark place I figured I’d share the accounts that I follow that do their best to combat this cyber darkness!…
Today’s post is going to be o the Pretty Little Thing Summer Party in Zozimus on Annes Lane, just off of Grafton Street. Last years party was held in The Morgan Hotel. For those of you who don’t know, Anne’s Lane runs behind Cafe En Seine.
I recently went to the Simply Be Summer In The City event on the Opium rooftop bar which is a perfect venue for the beautiful summer weather we’ve been having! The only thing I don’t like about it is how you get ZERO views from the rooftop which is a disappointment considering you’re in the middle of town and would get spectacular views for miles around!
As you’ll have seen on my Instagram, I went to the bBold After Dark event to celebrate the launch of their Xtra Dark Mousse which was held in the beautiful Opium Garden which was perfect considering the day was lovely and sunny.
As you’ll have seen on my Instagram recently , I was kindly invited to Goss.ie’s fourth birthday which was held in Twenty Two on South Anne Street
Diet Coke recently announced the ever so fab Laura Whitmore as their ambassador for their #BecauseICan campaign. This campaign gives coke drinkers access to a series of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to…
The last 6 weeks of my summer have consisted of admin, events and hangovers. I’m very lucky that my internship allows me to both help out at and attend these amazing events on behalf of our clients . So below, I’m going to go through all the events that I’ve gone to and what exactly I’ve been up to during the last few weeks.