Hey everyone, welcome back to the blog. After my last post I decided to go back to the drawing board in terms of the content both on here and on my Instagram, I decided to put most of my content on my Instagram feed/stories and put other topics such as my Interiors tips and other lifestyle topics on here.
My first post is going to be about my life after lockdown.
Like many of you in the UK and Ireland, I’ve been off work for the last 10 weeks and I’m very lucky that I’m still being paid by my employer. So without the added stress and anxiety over whether I still have a job or not, I started thinking about other aspects of my life and the changes (both necessary and optional) I want to implement in them.
Before lockdown, I think it’s fair to say I did more than my fair share of socialising with friends on nights out and boozy brunches. Somewhere over the years, meeting and catching up with friends and messy nights out blurred into one and before I knew it, I found myself going for drinks with friends whether it be for a long time catch up or just spending time with them. Once restrictions are lifted, I fully intend to cut down on the amount I drink and fill that time with other activities I can use to spend time with my friends without the added risk of a heavy hangover the next morning.
I spent the last two weeks before the country ground to a halt researching gyms and personal trainers (if this wasn’t a massive sign for the universe for me not to get fit I don’t know what is haha!) but obviously had to stop as gyms are the exact environment that something like covid-19 thrives in and are not due to open until at least August. I’ve already bought some fitness bits that I can use at home until hopefully the gyms reopen or personal trainers start taking clients on for outdoor sessions soon.
As part of wanting to be healthy, I’ve decided to reduce the amount that I drink and the amount of fast food I eat which, while they’re only small steps, will hopefully point me in the right direction. Until all my fitness stuff arrives, I’ve been using all this freetime to go for walks within the 5 kilometre range around my house which I find not only give me energy for the rest of the day, but also clear my head and reduce any anxiety that I may have.
After I decided to take a break from dating in 2018 after things ended with the last guy I was seeing the previous time, I time to reflect and address some things in my life. During the year, I spent more time with friends , both new and old, made some incredible memories that will stay with me for a lifetime and got to experience some pretty cool things along the way. Although I’m excited to immerse myself back into the world of dating and getting to know new people, I’m going to approach dating from a different angle – putting myself first.
Over the years, I’ve put others and their needs/wants before my own which ended up with me burning out and going through a bad patch in regards to my mental health. This time around I’m putting myself first and if a plan doesn’t suit me then it’s not the end of the world and that if it’s meant to be then it’ll find a way. That’s really cringe and basic but retuning my mind to think that way has improved my mental health immensely.
Once the new college year starts, I’m planning to go back to college and get back into third level education and hopefully be able to leave the wonderful world of retail behind for good! I had a bit of a wobbly start to third level education but after addressing a few things I think I’m finally able to get through it!
One thing that lockdown and being at home a lot more has made me realise how much I depend on my parents for things. After talking with a close friend, I decided that I’d start looking for place to move out and become a proper adult! I’m under no illusion that it’ll be a struggle and money will be tight, but I’m excited to move out of home and start a new, fun and slightly daunting chapter of my life!
This next chapter is definitely going to be an interesting one so make sure you’re following my instagram which I’ve linked below to see what I get up to.
I hope you guys are safe and abiding by social distancing guidelines wherever you are and are enjoying the lovely Summer weather.
Til next time,
Conor X
Twitter: Nagginsnnotions
Instagram: Nagginsandnotions
Facebook: Nagginsandnotions
Pinterest: Nagginsandnotions